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In the last PHP tutorial of the series we studied associative and multidimensional arrays. This series is a continuation from where we left off and the idea is that it will gradually get more advanced as we go along. We begin by learning about operators in PHP.The purpose of dynamic websites to have a site that intelligently updates as a result of certain factors input from the user, user properties (operating system/browser) or triggers from other locations, for example we could use PHP to do the following:When a user enters their details, such as a telephone number or an email address, the site can validate them to check that they are the correct format.Calculate the shipping costs of the items in the basket of a customer on an online store.The possibilities when programming PHP are endless!The IF StatementIf, Else, and Elseif statements are very important! Without them as well as logical and comparison operators, you site would not be very clever at all! We start by taking a look at the if statement, the most important of all statements! If statements allow you to program:See the subtle differece between ELSEIF and ELSE in PHP? It would be possible to add an ELSE to print a message if $Day was not equal to Monday or Wednesday.I hope you have enjoyed learning about operators in PHP.

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