I tried to put it back, but it had a small bolt hole and I

Does anyone have any pictures of melted / ruined silicone toys? I was thinking about boiling and bleaching multiple silicone toys at the same time because doing one toy at a time is really labor intensive and ends up taking forever. I know that theredoes anyone have any pictures of melted / ruined silicone toys? I was thinking about boiling and bleaching multiple silicone toys at the same time because doing one toy at a time is really labor intensive and ends up taking forever. I know that there might be problems with melting and degrading but the toys are very high quality silicone and I feel pretty confident that they won but if they do have some degrading I not sure what it would look like.

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I was young and stupid and thought it would be funny to try to lift one. It lifted just fine. I tried to put it back, but it had a small bolt hole and I couldn get it back onto the bolt in the ground. Blacks more likely to die during interactions with Toronto cops: ReportGOLDSTEIN: Toronto Police should release race crime dataWARMINGTON: Chief Mark Saunders racially profiled?NO STRANGER TO GUNS: Man killed in shootout with cops was recently released from prisonThe OHRC study reports Toronto Police officers were cleared of wrongdoing over 95% of all SIU investigations under study and, outcomes do not vary significantly by civilian race. Minority of investigations where the SIU found a lack of co operation by Toronto Police, the OHRC report said, also to be unrelated to civilian race. OHRC rightly points out police can racially discriminate without committing a crime..

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