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Yoshi P has himself criticized the vertical progression, and there have been suggestions it could be changed canada goose clearance in a future expansion.
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They are radically different games, but Stormblood has not been the greatest expansion so far for XIV. I love the game, canada goose store and look forward to raiding in it tomorrow night, but it all feels rehashed, 4 5 years into the game life. Rehashed Monster models and frames, content, mechanics.
They honestly play too safe if you ask me. And I think that because Canada Goose sale they have a fear of a 1.0 situation once more.
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Rhayve 13 points submitted 2 months ago
Tbh, I often feel the same way about PUP when I not in a pet only party or soloing. But that never stopped me from pouring hundreds of millions of gil into KKK, HQ gear or other stuff.
The thing with DNC is that its strength lies in solo multistepping skillchains to close into massive Darkness/Umbra. DNC is basically the light DD version of SAM and it doesn perform as well as heavy canada goose clearance sale DDs in situations where you can create coordinated skillchains. Of course SAM still does better in more zerg y situations simply because they 2 handed and have no utility unlike DNC. But a top tier DNC still has a lot of potential and shines especially in specific fights like last month Yagudo ambuscade.
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In any case, if you enjoy the job, just keep playing it. The real fun lies in pushing your job to its limits and to try to outperform the meta jobs. Even if that only due to gear discrepancy. If you outperform WAR/DRK/SAM/DRG because you spent more gil on your DNC than they did on their jobs, it was gil well worth spending because you ended up being more valuable. And you get to enjoy playing DNC instead of just being another cookie cutter DD.
Lastly, don forget that DNC contributes to group/alliances DPS if you not just fighting fodder. If your Box Step increases everyone DPS by 10%, then that your contribution that nobody else can replicate. That +10% alliance DPS is significantly more damage than what another heavy DD could add with his individual parse, even if they canada goose do 5% more than you. Multiple WARs can stack Armor Break, after all.
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PS: Twashtar is an excellent weapon canada goose coats and a good start, but if you don have Aeneas then make that your 1 priority. That weapon will make a huge difference in your DPS, probably even enough to close that 5% gap between you and the other person.
buy canada goose jacket cheap I was in a 15 man Dynamis the other day, in a Canada Goose Outlet party without buffs, as DRK with Apoc, against other remas in bard parties, I was second on the parse somehow. Another example: JP Party last night, I was 1st place by over a million damage combining Skillchains I planned and just damage overall. at the end of the 1.5h party. in a party as DRK against 2 other DRKs, we all spammed Torcleaver, one had Rag, one had Calad. I had Zulqlifar. buy canada goose jacket cheap
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If this guy DNC is canada goose coats on sale boss he could be top 10% of players especially if he understands his job fully, times skillchains, knows properties that others do. the problem is community speculation with this game. Every job is good. Not everything needs to be a zerg. You just have to be good at the game and put effort into playing it.
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Would also increase the skill floor and increase the barrier of entry by forcing players to at least learn 3 different characters.
Could cause a snowball effect where one player loses their first character and the second character does not play well against the first.
With more unorthodox characters, the demand to learn matchups will be even greater.
While you likely to see more unorthodox characters, players may also start picking up top tier characters just to fill out slot 2 and 3, creating even less variety.