But many restaurants are reluctant to give away their edible

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buy canada goose jacket Passed in 1996, theBill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Actprotects restaurants from civil and criminal liability should a recipient get ill or hurt as a result of consumed donated food. Donors are only culpable in cases of gross negligence or intentional misconduct. restaurants say they’re resistant to giving away their extra fare out of fear of getting sued. buy canada goose jacket

According to a 2014 survey conducted by the Food Waste Reduction Alliance,56 percent of large restaurants said concerns about liability kept them from donating food.

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“Liability is just an excuse,” Canada Goose sale said Mary Risler, founder ofFood Runners, a nonprofit that rescues leftovers from businesses in San Francisco. buy canada goose jacket cheap “There’s no reason not to donate.”

Claire Cummings, waste programs manager at Bon Appetit Management Company Foundation, is equally as frustrated by such claims.

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Restaurants are uniquely positioned to simultaneously tackle the country’s food canada goose clearance sale waste and hunger issues. Last year, one in six households didn’t have enough money for food.

Yet, even with the protections in place and Canada Goose Jackets the vast cheap Canada Goose number of groups that pick up and deliver excess food, many restaurants will still rifle off a host of reasons that keep them from participating in the rescue effort.

“I’ve heard every possible excuse and rationale in the book about canada goose coats why not to donate,” Cummings said. “I guarantee you, every canada goose clearance single one of them can be addressed.”

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Launched in 2009, We Don’t Waste works with restaurants, universities, distributors and major stadiums and collects food five canada goose coats on sale days a week. Because the goods are perishable, everything is delivered on the same day it’s retrieved, Arlan Preblud, founder and executive director, told HuffPost.

“Chefs do not like to throw food away.”

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Preblud started out by knocking on the doors of caterers and restaurants and would load up his Volvo station wagon with the items they offered up. He put down the seats and laid down a tarp in order to fill the vehicle to its brim.

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canada goose Preblud gets donations from about 12 Denver restaurants and said no restaurant has ever turned him down. If anything, he can’t accommodate the amount of restaurants in his foodie city that are interested in working with him. canada goose

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