” she says “but the world isn’t accepting maybe art school in

what about when we go to the bahamas, are you going to dance with girls there too?” i say: “well i’m going away to college in less than a year so i doubt we’ll go away together again.” she says “but the world isn’t accepting maybe art school in new york or san fran will be but life leads you many different places” i say “yea dildos, but i’m not the only one, there are lesbians/bi’s and gays everywhere.” She says: “some people just seem gay dildos, ed (My ex boyfriend) always seemed it.” I say: “MOM, that’s cuz with guys it’s slightly more obvious if they are the steryotypical gay male who is really involved in the arts at a young age, but there are many others that aren’t like that too and with girls, it’s even harder to tell i mean, guys play with g i joes at a young age and girls play with barbies. Parents might get concerned that their [male] child is gay if he plays with barbies. Well I played with my barbies and enjoyed to dress them but also enjoyed to leave them unclothed.

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